
What is Explorednow.com?

Unfortunately, you cannot explore anything with Explorednow.com. This program is a browser hijacker that trespasses into your computer and changes your default homepage and search engine without your permission. This program may inadvertently redirect you to malicious websites that could be associated with malware distribution networks. Thus, with this browser hijacker on your system, you could be easily infected with even more dangerous malware. The sooner you remove Explorednow.com, the better because you can never know what could be hiding behind the next nook and corner of the cyber space. Just remember that the Internet is not as safe as you would wish it to be.test

Where does Explorednow.com come from?

This browser hijacker does not seem to have one particular distribution source. It is not possible to download the application from Explorednow.com, and it does not have any other official website that would be offering the direct download option.

Indeed, according to our security specialists, this browser hijacker usually comes bundled with other freeware apps. It might be possible to avoid getting infected with Explorednow.com, if you were careful about what you install from third-party file sharing websites. For instance, whenever you download an application from an unfamiliar web page, be sure to read all the steps in the installation wizard to avoid installing any unknown or unwanted applications. The point is that users often have the chance to refuse Explorednow.com and other similar programs, but they simply miss it as they breeze through the installation wizard.

What does Explorednow.com do?

This infection acts just like any other browser hijacker out there. Explorednow.com affects your default homepage and search engine settings. Aside from that, it also employs tracking cookies to collect data on what websites you visit and what you usually search for when you are online. The browser hijacker needs that kind of information because it is part of a bigger advertising network, and it often includes commercial links in the search results. Thus, to provide you with personalized commercial offers, Explorednow.com needs to track your online activity.

It would not be much of problem if the browser hijacker kept the collected information to itself, but now it can easily share the data with other associated third parties. Sometimes this information is even leaked to cyber criminals who make use of it for corrupted online marketing schemes.

As you can tell, Explorednow.com comes with multiple vulnerabilities that could be easily exploited by malevolent third parties. The only way to protect your computer and your personal information from malicious exploitation is to remove this browser hijacker from your PC immediately.

How do I remove Explorednow.com?

You can delete the search engine by resetting your browser settings to default. It should be enough to get rid of Explorednow.com. However, you have to keep in mind that you most probably have more unwanted applications huddled together, as they all come in the same software package.

Run a full system scan with the SpyHunter free scanner to determine which programs you must terminate at once. If you cannot get rid of the potential threats on your own, be ready to acquire a licensed antispyware tool. Also, you can always leave us a comment if you have any further questions about how to ensure your system’s safety and security.

Manual Explorednow.com Removal

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Press Alt+H and go to Troubleshooting information.
  2. Click Refresh Firefox at the top right of the new tab.
  3. Press Refresh Firefox on the confirmation box.
  4. Click Finish.

Internet Explorer

  1. Press Alt+T and go to Internet options.
  2. Click the Advanced tab and press the Reset button.
  3. Select Delete personal settings and click Reset.
  4. Press Close.

Google Chrome

  1. Press Alt+F and go to Settings.
  2. Scroll down and click Show advanced settings.
  3. Scroll down again and click Reset Settings.
  4. Press Reset.
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tested removal of Explorednow.com*

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