
What is CouponPeak?

CouponPeak is an adware program which can be installed onto your PC without your permission. CouponPeak is distributed by other free programs and you may not suspect that the application is installed. You can find CouponPeak on your browsers, but bear in mind that its name may contains some randomly added letters. Instead of the name CouponPeak you may find cuopOnpEak or any other randomly generated name.

CouponPeak is compatible with Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Once installed it starts monitoring your browsing behavior and displaying pop-up advertisements, web banner and other types of ads. We recommend that you ignore CouponPeak advertisements and remove the application from the computer as soon as you can.test

Why should you remove CouponPeak?

CouponPeak does not control third party websites and does not endorse them by providing you with their advertisements. Your interaction with third party websites is your own responsibility because every websites has its privacy policy. If you find a website which seem appealing to you and want to download or purchase something, first make sure that it is reliable. Find out how the website deals with your personal information; if it has some shady past, do not make any purchases.

CouponPeak may invite you to play online games, install some computer programs, shop online, etc. The content of the advertisements depends on the clients of CouponPeak. Some of the advertisements provided by CouponPeak may have nothing in common what you are looking for on the Internet. However, it does not means that the adware does not monitor your. Like a majority of adware programs, CouponPeak may collect non-personally identifiable information while you are browsing the Internet. It may record your clicks, search terms, browsing history, your browsing preferences, information about your browser extensions, etc. Even though adware programs collect non-personally identifiable information, bear in mind that there is some risk that you will expose some information about your identity to the adware program. The information acquired by CouponPeak may be shared with third parties and used for marketing and advertising purposes.

How to remove CouponPeak?

In order to fully remove CouponPeak from the computer, i.e., to delete every single file associated with this application, we recommend that you implement a powerful anti-spyware tool. The team recommends using SpyHunter because this application can eliminate the adware program and safeguard the system against different types of malicious programs, including browser hijackers, Trojan horses, ransomware infections, rogue anti-virus programs, etc.

If you want to try removing the application manually, use the removal guide provided below and do not forget to scan the computer afterwards.

How to uninstall CouponPeak

Windows Vista and Windows 7

  1. Open the Start menu.
  2. Click Control Panel.
  3. Select Uninstall a program.
  4. Remove the unwanted application.

Windows 8

  1. Move the mouse to the lower-left corner of the screen.
  2. Right-click.
  3. Select Control Panel.
  4. Click Uninstall a program.
  5. Remove CouponPeak.

Windows XP

  1. Click Start.
  2. Select Control Panel.
  3. Click Add or Remove Programs.
  4. Uninstall the unwanted application.

Remove CouponPeak from the browsers

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Press Ctrl+Shif+A and click Extensions.
  2. Remove CouponPeak.

Google Chrome

  1. Press Alt+F.
  2. Point to Tools and click Extensions.
  3. Remove the unwanted extension.
100% FREE spyware scan and
tested removal of CouponPeak*



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