
What is Backdoor.Mivast?

Backdoor.Mivast is a type of Trojan that sneaks into your system in order to establish a convert channel which is then used to get access and control of your computer. It is best that you remove this infection as soon as you suspect that it has entered your machine because the longer it stays there, the higher is the possibility that your computer will be taken over by remote hijackers. As Backdoor.Mivast works surreptitiously, that is, you might not even notice it being active on your machine, the surest way to intercept this threat is to have working antimalware software that would continuously scan and terminate the malware before it undermines the security of your system.

What does Backdoor.Mivast do?

Remember, your top priority should be to delete Backdoor.Mivast because when it enters target computers, it creates specific files and registry entries that allow this infection to auto start and run in the background of your system whenever you turn on your machine. If you can detect such files as msi.dll, setup.msi, MedicaCenter.exe, Micromedia, to name a few, know that this infection is already on your machine. As you see, Backdoor.Mivast might disguise itself under the name of Micromedia, trying to pass as a legitimate application. Of course, even if you consider yourself a seasoned computer user, it is unlikely that you will notice the infection and terminate it just before it gets activated on your system. Therefore, we advise that you implement a licensed antimalware tool which will detect and remove this infection the moment it starts executing malicious processes.

The attackers might exploit Backdoor.Mivast to carry out many different tasks. Some of them might be to establish a connection with a remote server so that a backdoor could be opened, thereby permitting hijackers to run basic commands on or uploading additional malicious content to your computer. Backdoor.Mivast can also cause serious security issues due to its ability to read and send data from files and gather password information. Thus, if you do not want any sensitive data or money to fall into the hands of malicious entities, you should hurry up to delete Backdoor.Mivast from your computer.

Where does Backdoor.Mivast come from?

As it has been already established, Backdoor.Mivast gain access to your computer under the guise of a legitimate application. Like many Trojans, this infection could be disseminated via spam email attachments. Thus, if you do not want to end up in a situation when you inadvertently infect your machine, and thus need to remove this Trojan as soon as possible, do not open any suspicious files that you might receive with spam email. Other methods of the distribution might be social engineering messages or exploits of vulnerabilities in your Internet browser or third-party extensions. Backdoor.Mivast is also known to slither onto target computer via software bundles found on file sharing sites.

How do I remove Backdoor.Mivast

You should remove Backdoor.Mivast immediately because the longer it stays on your computer, the more likely it will deploy additional dangerous infections, and thus jeopardize your system's security. This backdoor Trojan should be removed by employing only the most powerful tools, so we advise that you do not attempt to remove it manually. If you equip your system with legitimate antimalware software it will identify and terminate not only Backdoor.Mivast, but also all the malicious content that might have been deployed onto your machine by this infection.

Remove Backdoor.Mivast

  1. Press the Windows key + R.
  2. Type in %Temp%\MicroMedia and press Enter.
  3. Delete the following content in the MicroMedia folder: msi.dll, setup.msi, MediaCenter.exe.
  4. After you remove the files, open your default Internet browser.
  5. Enter in the address bar to download Spyhunter.
  6. Follow the instructions on the site to install this automatic antimalware program.
  7. Activate Spyhunter to run a system scan and click Fix Threats to remove the infections. 100% FREE spyware scan and
    tested removal of Backdoor.Mivast*

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