
What is Trojan.Ruftar?

Trojan.Ruftar is not an easily located infection. In fact, most computer users are completely unfamiliar with this name because the clandestine Trojan is represented via a disturbing pop-up ransom demand. The malicious infection is composed of files some of which are responsible for the initial execution. Cyber criminals need to infiltrate these files onto the operating system, and they know all the tricks necessary for the attack. If your PC is not safeguarded by automatic malware removal software, these files could be dropped without your notice using clandestine drive-by download scams. Of course, if you do not remove Trojan.Ruftar components in time, they will initiate the encryption of files found on the system. Unfortunately, once the attack is in full swing, your files may be damaged irreversibly. Even so, the removal of the Trojan is crucial.testtesttest

How does Trojan.Ruftar work?

Malware researchers at indicate that Trojan.Ruftar and Trojan.Ransomcrypt.L are almost identical. Once executed, these threats encrypt files using the RSA encryption method, after what public and private keys are sent to unknown remote servers. These keys are required for the decryption of your private files, and to access them you will be asked to pay a ransom. Here is the pop-up message you will be presented with:

Attention! Service return of credits casinos, informs you about the arrest of your files and suspension of the operation of your computer. For resolution of situation, please contact our customer support. is the email address you will be presented with for further “support”. What is more, this address will be attached as an extension on all encrypted files. Note that Trojan.Ruftar can corrupt .pdf, .arj, .mov, .xlsx, .1cd, and various other personal files. Computer users do not want to lose their files if they are not backed up, which is the main reason Trojan.Ruftar removal is often postponed. There is no doubt that the longer you keep the Trojan running, the more vulnerable your virtual security will become. Furthermore, with time passing by, more of your personal files could be encrypted. It is important to delete the Trojan because it could also download other infections, initiate the theft of personal data, etc. As a matter of fact, other disturbing threats could be active already, which is why you should not postpone the removal operation for much longer.

How to remove Trojan.Ruftar?

It is impossible to know what could happen if you paid the ransoms requested by Trojan.Ruftar. Your files could be decrypted, or your money could be wasted. We hope you have your personal files, photos and documents backed up securely, in which case you should delete Trojan.Ruftar without further delay. Whether you choose to pay the ransom or not, you have to install automatic malware removal software without further delay. This is the most reliable option when it comes to removal of Trojan.Ruftar and other existing threats. Once the infection is deleted, you should activate full-time Windows protection, back-up the remaining files, and change the passwords of virtual accounts. 100% FREE spyware scan and
tested removal of Trojan.Ruftar*


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