
What is BrowserDefender.dll?

BrowserDefender.dll is a file that belongs to Browser Defender that you may found on your PC after having installed some browser extensions. The file is known to be from PerformerSoft LLC and it is dropped to a new folder in the Program Files directory. It is advisable to remove BrowserDefender.dll from the computer for it is associated with various unwanted advertisements. More specifically, the file in question is very often found attached to Conduit toolbars, which can change the settings of the browser, including the default search engine and the home page of the browsers. Note that you may encounter unwanted advertisements on Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox.

What does BrowserDefender.dll do?

However, various ads are not the only symptom that can indicate the presence of BrowserDefender.dll. In fact, the symptoms depend on the developers of the application. For example, it is also possible that BrowserDefender.dll will restrict you from changing the settings of the system. It is also possible that you will be able to change the settings of the browsers but after the restart of the browser you will find the same unwanted search engine or home page. In such a case, you should remove the programs that have altered the settings of your browsing tools and then provide the system with professional protection.

By removing BrowserDefender.dll from the computer may solve several problems related to the performance of the browsers. For example, their speed may increase or you may find that you can change the settings as you like.

How to remove BrowserDefender.dll?

In order to remove BrowserDefender.dll from the PC, uninstall BrowserDefender and the application that has caused the installation of this file. We recommend using SpyHunter as this application can easily detect and remove the undesirable file and guard the system against various malware or spyware threats. Do not hesitate to invest in this software prevention tool if you look for a reliable and time-saving program.

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